Useful travel information
Here you will find useful information about our different modes of transport. You will also find everything you need to know about travelling with children, prams, wheelchairs, animals or bikes.
Plan your journey
Use the travel planner
Updated departure times are available in the travel planner on our website and in the Skyss Travel app. We recommend that you estimate plenty of time when you are going to travel. Please check your planned departure before leaving.
Delays and changes
When something happens that affects your journey, you can expect to find updated information from us in several places.
For more information, see our page on how we inform about delays and changes.
All passengers must have a valid ticket. If you have purchased a discounted ticket, you must also be able to show proof of your entitlement to the discount.
When travelling within the Bergen area (zone A)
Within the Bergen area, you do not need to present your ticket, and you can board the bus from both the front and the back. On the Bergen Light Rail, you cannot show your ticket to the driver, but you must present it during ticket inspection. If you are travelling on a bus or boat leaving the Bergen area, you must present your ticket when boarding.
When travelling outside the Bergen area
Outside the Bergen area, you must always present your ticket when boarding, both on buses and boats.
If you are travelling by bus outside the Bergen area and have a pram, luggage, a bicycle or for other reasons need to use the back door, you must go to the driver afterwards to show your ticket. For passengers with wheelchairs, walkers, or others who need it, the driver will come to the back of the bus to check your ticket.
Regardless of where you travel in Vestland, drivers, boat crew, and inspectors can request to see your ticket at any time.
Train, express coaches and express boat
When travelling with Skyss tickets on trains, express buses, or express boats, specific rules apply.
Here you will find information for travel with
Real-time information
Real-time means updated information about when your bus is expected to leave your stop. More about real-time information.
Check how full the buss is before it arrives
In some areas you can check how full the bus is up to fifteen minutes before it arrives. You can check this in the travel planner, and on real-time signs on bus stops.
Arrival times at stops
The specified arrival times show when the bus is expected to pass the stop. Actual arrival times may vary.
All our stops and terminals are non-smoking.
Give a clear signal
Remember to give a clear signal the driver when you are waiting at a stop. This lets the driver know you want to get on the bus. If you're planning on paying with cash, we recommend that you have the money ready.
Safety is a top priority for us, and we ask that you please take the following advice when you're travelling:
- Use seatbelts whenever they are available.
- Hold children by the hand when they get on or off the bus.
- Activate the brake on prams/pushchairs (also applies to rollators and wheelchairs).
- Hold on to loose objects (bags, backpacks, etc.)
- Get seen — use reflective tags or clothing.
- Do not attempt to cross the road until the bus or light rail has departed.
Eating and drinking
Some buses in the Bergen region have signs prohibiting eating and drinking on board.
On some buses there are power outlets under the windows to charge your cell phone.
Group travel
If you are a group of 15 persons or more and you are planning to travel by bus, please notify the operator no less than 24 hours before your journey.
Assistance at Bergen bus station
Do you need assistance at Bergen bus station? Call a security guard just before you arrive at Bergen bus station. Duty telephone, security guard: (+47) 477 03 314.
Lost and found
If you've lost something on the bus, read more about lost and found here.
Bergen Light Rail
Practical information
- The light rail only stops for a short while. Please embark or disembark quickly. You need to operate the door yourself; use the buttons on the inside/outside of the doors.
- Door opening buttons are marked as follows:
- Use the black button marked < > when you want the doors to remain open the standard amount of time.
- Use the blue button to keep the doors open for longer. This gives wheelchair users and passengers with prams/pushchairs or a lot of luggage a bit more time to disembark.
- Green button marked “STOP”: When you press this, the doors will automatically open at the next stop. - When the doors can be opened, a green light comes on above the door. Before the doors close, there is a loud audio signal, and the light above the door turns red.
- There are no waste baskets on board, so we recommend passengers use the waste baskets available at every stop.
- All carriages and stops have video monitoring.
Safety alongside the light rail
Show consideration when moving alongside the Bergen Light Rail. All pedestrians, cyclists and drivers have a duty to give way to the light rail.
Read more about safety alongside the Bergen Light Rail
Connections and travel searches
There are no connections between the Bergen Light Rail and buses. Therefore, we recommend that you have plenty of time when transferring. In the travel planner, under the menu option “More choices”, you have additional options, including adjusting your transfer time.
Delays and changes
When something happens that affects your journey, you can expect to find updated information from us in several places, ncluding on
Note that the departing times shown in the Skyss Reise app or the travel planner wil not be updated if there's a delay. But cancelled departures will be removed from searches.
Information screens and speakers
Inside the light rail carriage, the next stop will be shown in an information screen near the ceiling, and an audio recording will also announce the next stop. Every stop has information screens that show the current and next departure. These are updated automatically.
Use one of the middle doors if you have a pram/pushchair, bike or a lot of luggage.
The Bergen Light Rail was designed in accordance with the principles of universal design. This means that as many people as possible should be able to travel on the light rail, regardless of their functional ability.
Eating and drinking
The Bergen Light Rail carriages have signs prohibiting eating and drinking on board.
All our stops and terminals in Hordaland are non-smoking.
Lost and found
If you've lost something on the bus, read more about lost and found here.
Children under 12 may not travel by boat alone, and must be accompanied by a person over the age of 16.
Get service information via text message
Would you like to receive a text message if your boat or ferry is delayed or cancelled? Register for service notifications via text message with Norled. Read more at (in Norwegian)
The Road Traffic Act applies on board
The Road Traffic Act and other regulations that apply to motor vehicle operation also apply to boarding and unboarding and on the car deck during the passage. Drivers therefore have the same responsibilities for driving on board as they do on the road.
Ferry crew members direct and assist
The crew on board is responsible for signals for boarding and unboarding and the distribution of the vehicles on the ferry deck, including any suspension decks or lower decks. Please comply with the signals they give you.
Not all vessels are very compatible for people with disabilities. If you need assistance or special accommodations, please let the crew know when you board.
Turn off your car alarm
The alarm in your car may be triggered by vibrations or movement during the crossing. The sound of the alarm can damage the hearing of crew members and passengers, and may also frighten children and animals. We kindly ask all passengers travelling with a car on the ferry to turn off the alarm and, if necessary, the motion sensor before driving on board.
Use the travel planner
Updated departure times are available in the travel planner on our website and in the Skyss Travel app. We recommend that you estimate plenty of time when you are going to travel. Please check your planned departure before leaving.
Delays and changes
When something happens that affects your journey, you can expect to find updated information from us in several places, including on and by searching in the travel planner.
Children who travel alone
Contact the crew for further instructions.
Electric scooters and city bicycles
In Bergen, you can use city bikes and electric scooters to get around. In the map within the Skyss Reise app, you will find an overview of bike racks where you can rent bikes from Bergen City Bike. Here you will also find an overview of available electric scooters.
Are you bringing something, or a child or animal?
Children, prams and pushchairs
Travelling with children
General info:
- We recommend having several adults to accompany a group of children who are travelling.
- Do not attempt to cross the road until the bus or light rail has departed.
At the stop
- Do not let the children run around or play at the stop/terminal.
- Make sure others can see you! We recommend that both adults and children wear reflective vests.
Embarking and disembarking
- Help the children get safely on board and make sure they get off safely.
During the journey
- Make sure the children do not go near the doors while moving.
- If possible, all children should sit.
- Make sure you keep an eye on bags, coats and other things they brought on board.
- Let the children know when they are approaching their stop, so that they can prepare for getting off.
- Some buses have child seats. Read more about child seats here (Norwegian text only)
- On the Bergen Light Rail and some buses, the stop button with the pram on it may be used for a little more time at the stop. For more information, see the next section.
Travelling with a pram or pushchair
- You may bring the pram or pushchair for free if there is room on board.
- It is up to the driver to decide if there is enough room, based on safety concerns.
- Make sure the pram or pushchair is parked securely and has the brake on. Hold it steady if necessary.
- On the Bergen light rail and on buses, there is a button to notify the driver if there's a need for emore time. The button is blue or white and the symbol may vary, but it's usually of a wheelchair or a pram. The button can be found by the middle entryway or by the flex area (see picture below).

Blue button in the middle of the bus with the wheel chair symbol.

Butten by the back entrence of the bus with the pram symbol.
Family discount
With a family discount, adult passengers aged 18 and older may bring up to four children aged 6–17 for free. The discount is only valid on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
The discount is valid on: Skyss buses, the light rail and some boat connections.
Discounts given to: Adult passengers aged 18 or older (adult, senior, student, military) with a valid single ticket or season ticket.
Please note: Children under age 6 always travel for free on Skyss buses, the light rail and some boat connections.
Family discount on trains: The discount is also valid on trains for adult passengers with a single ticket or 24-hour pass, between Bergen and Trengereid (zone A) or season ticket (7-, 30- or 180-day pass) between Bergen and Voss (zones A, E and F).
Skyss is working hard to make publlic transport services comply with the principles of universal design, so that wheelchair users can also travel by public transport.
Unfortunately, not all buses in Hordaland are suitable for wheelchair users. Inside zone A it will normally be straightforward for wheelchair users to take the bus. Outside zone A, this may not always be the case.
If you are planning to travel by bus outside zone A, please make sure that the bus service on the line in question is suitable for wheelchair users. Please contact our customer service centre with information about when and where you are travelling, and we will be happy to find out whether this will be possible.
In consideration of safety on board, wheelchairs must not exceed a maximum weight and size limit, as defined by the Regulations relating to Universal Design and the Annex 7 of the European Buses and Coaches Directive.
Maximum wheelchair size:
Length 120 cm
Width 70 cm
Total weight (incl. user) 300 kg
Even on buses compatible with wheelchairs space may be limited. For example, it may be difficult to fit a wheelchair and a pram/pushchair at the same time. We are sorry that this may sometimes lead to practical challenges for wheelchair users. If you are delayed on your journey because we do not have capacity, the travel guarantee applies. Read more about the travel guarantee here.
Individuals with reduced functional ability who have a companion card and a valid ticket can bring along a companion who travels for free on Skyss' means of transportation. The companion, therefore, does not need their own ticket.
When using a Skyss ticket for train journeys within zone A (between Bergen and Trengereid), the same conditions apply as for buses, the light rail, and boats. Different rules apply for train journeys outside of zone A.
You may bring a pet with you on board provided there is enough space and it does not disturb the other passengers. Pets must be secured with a lead or in a cage or basket, sit on the passenger's lap or on the floor, and must not obstruct free passage during the journey. Pets that are aggressive or disturb other passengers in any way may be removed from the means of transport.
All pets travel for free.
If you are travelling with your pet and plan to transfer to a train or express coaches, please be aware that they may have different rules.
On Skyss buses and the Bergen Light Rail:
On Skyss buses and the light rail bicycles/large scooters/self-balancing vehicles require a children’s ticket. You may only bring your bicycle on buses that have the space to accommodate it, and then only when there is enough space and the driver deems it safe.
Bicycle as hand-luggage:
If you have a foldable bicycle/scooter/self-balancing vehicle you may bring it on board as hand-luggage at no additional charge. Bicycles that can be disassembled or folded may be brought along in luggage holds on buses.
On boats
You may bring your bicycle/scooter/self-balancing vehicle for free on all Skyss boats, provided there is enough space.
Bicycle parking:
Several terminals now have bicycle parking.
Passengers are allowed to bring simple and manageable items as carry-on baggage. Please position your baggage in a way that does not inconvenience other passengers or obstruct boarding and disembarking. Items such as flammable and explosive materials, and other baggage posing a security risk, are strictly prohibited. Additionally, you may bring skis and similar items if there is available space.
Other information about the public transportation
Assistance at Bergen bus station
Do you need assistance at Bergen bus station? Call a security guard just before you arrive at Bergen bus station. Duty telephone, security guard: (+47) 477 03 314.
You will find parking for cars and bicylces at celected places in and around Bergen.
Here you can find more information about car parking and information about bicycle parking.
Travel guarantee
You may be entitled to a refund for expenses if you are delayed and there is more than 20 minutes until the next departure according to the timetable. Please note that the travel guarantee does not apply if the delay or cancellation is due to circumstances beyond our/ the carrier's control.
Transport regulations
The transport regulations constitute a contract between Hordaland County Council, repr. by Skyss, and each passenger.