Vehicles on boats
You can bring vehicles on some boat routes in Vestland. Below, you will find information about fares, discounts, payment methods, and booking options.
Boat routes where vehicles are allowed:
- 291 Florø–Veiesund–Askrova–Stavang–Svanøy (Florabassenget south)
- 292 Florø–Rognaldsvåg–Kinn (Florabassenget west)
- 293 Florø–Barekstad–Batalden–Fanøy (Florabassenget north)
- 294 Florø–Barekstad–Batalden–Fanøy–Rognaldsvåg–Kinn (shared trips in Florabassenget west and north)
- 1190 Ortnevik–Måren–Nordeide
- 1190 Vik–Ortnevik
Most of these routes are operated by boats with limited capacity for vehicles and are primarily passenger vessels. The Kaupanger–Frønningen route is operated by a ferry, but the same discounts and payment methods for vehicles on boats apply here as well.
View the fare overview for vehicles on boats
How to find vehicle prices in the overview
If the route has multiple segments, these will appear after you select the main route.
- Select the route from the dropdown menu.
- Choose your vehicle type. You can select from:
- Conventional: petrol, diesel, or hybrid vehicles
- Zero-emission: electric or hydrogen vehicles
- Select the date of your journey.
- Choose the fare category:
- Full price
- AutoPASS tag without a prepayment agreement
- AutoPASS for ferry prepayment agreement (private customers)
- AutoPASS for ferry prepayment agreement (business customers)
- Click search to view the fares.
The fare is determined by the length of your vehicle, including any load. Motorcycles and mopeds have their own fares. Note: The fare overview does not display prices for passengers.
How to get a discount
Fares, discounts, and payment methods for vehicles on boats mainly follow the AutoPASS ferry fare regulations, with some exceptions. These exceptions concern payment methods and passenger fares.
Ways to get a discount for vehicles:
- You get a 10% discount if your vehicle has an AutoPASS-approved tag. Visit for an overview of where to order a tag.
- You get the best discount if you have a tag and an AutoPASS for ferry prepayment agreement. This agreement gives a 50% discount for private customers and 40% discount for business customers. Set up the agreement at
- If you have a zero-emission vehicle, you are also eligible for a discount. Zero-emission vehicles under 6 metres get a 30% discount, while larger zero-emission vehicles get a 50% discount.
If you do not have an AutoPASS tag or ferry agreement, you must pay the full fare.
Note: A separate payment system applies temporarily. See the “Payment on board” section for more details.
Payment for vehicles on board
From 1 January 2025, it will no longer be possible to pay with a ferry card.
We are currently upgrading the ticketing system on the boats. Until further notice, we cannot link your vehicle’s registration number to the AutoPASS system. Starting 1 January, this means:
- If your vehicle has an AutoPASS-approved tag, you will not be invoiced retrospectively as usual.
- If you have a tag and an AutoPASS for ferry prepayment agreement, you cannot pay by deducting the fare from your prepaid ferry account.
For now, all passengers bringing vehicles on boats must pay for their vehicles on board using a bank card or cash. A full discount of 50% will be applied to all fares. Discounts for zero-emission vehicles still apply as usual.
Once the ticketing system upgrade is complete, retrospective invoicing and deductions from the ferry account will function normally.
Payment for passengers
When you pay for a vehicle on the boat, the fare includes the driver. If you bring passengers, they must purchase a regular ticket for the route they are travelling on.
On the Florabassenget routes, this is a ticket for zone H. On routes in Sogn, it is a boat ticket for the relevant route segment.
- Prices for passengers on Florabassenget routes
- Prices for passengers on Ortnevik–Måren–Nordeide and Vik–Ortnevik
Note: Family discounts do not apply in Florabassenget when you have paid for a vehicle and driver. To qualify for a family discount, you must be over 18 and have a standard ticket for the relevant zone.
Rules for vehicle fares on boats
Fares, discounts, and payment methods for vehicles on boats primarily follow the AutoPASS ferry fare regulations, with a few exceptions. These exceptions concern payment methods and passenger fares, as outlined above.
The AutoPASS regulations also apply to our ferries in Vestland. The regulations and fares are usually updated annually at the beginning of the year.
Visit the Norwegian Public Roads Administration website for the current AutoPASS ferry fare regulations and price lists for all vehicle types:
Booking a space for vehicles on boats
Vehicle space on boats is limited. We therefore recommend booking in advance. You can book a space up to four weeks before departure. If bringing a car or another vehicle, you must arrive at the quay at least 10 minutes before departure to keep your reservation.
How to book a space:
- Use the booking form on Norled’s website:
- Remember to cancel any reservations you do not plan to use. Use the link in the confirmation email to cancel.
Routes with reservation options:
- 291 Florø–Veiesund–Askrova–Stavang–Svanøy (Florabassenget south)
- 292 Florø–Rognaldsvåg–Kinn (Florabassenget west)
- 293 Florø–Barekstad–Batalden–Fanøy (Florabassenget north)
- 294 Florø–Barekstad–Batalden–Fanøy–Rognaldsvåg–Kinn (shared trips in Florabassenget west and north)
- 1190 Ortnevik–Måren–Nordeide
- 1190 Vik–Ortnevik
Regulations for ferry transport