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The 24-hour season ticket for Skyss buses, light rail and some boat connections applies to the following boat services:

  • Askøy boat, route Kleppestø–Bergen
  • Nordhordland boat, route Knarvik–Frekhaug–Bergen
  • boatroutes in Florabassenget: Florø–Veiesund–Askrova–Stavang–Svanøy, Florø–Rognaldsvåg–Kinn, Florø–Barekstad–Batalden–Fanøy and Florø–Barekstad–Batalden–Fanøy–Rognaldsvåg–Kinn

About the 24-hour season ticket

You can purchase 24-hour season ticket for adults, children, seniors,  students and military.

The 24-hour season ticket is not personal and can be shared with others, but it may only be used by one person at a time. For discounted tickets, the person using it must satisfy all relevant eligibility criteria.

You can purchase a 24-hour season ticket for one or more zones.

The 24-hour season ticket for bus, light rail and some boat connections, can also be used to travel by train between Bergen and Arna/Trengereid in zone A.

How to purchase a 24-hour season ticket

Remember that if you travel with a 24-hour ticket for adult, student, senior, or military on Skyss buses, the light rail, and some boat routes,you are eligible for a family discount.