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Senior and concessionary tickets cost around half the full price for all Skyss tickets for Skyss buses, light rail, and some boat connections.

The following passengers are eligible for a senior or concessionary discount

  • people from the age of 67
  • people with a concessionary card from NAV
  • persons with blindness or deafblindness with a special ID card
  • spouses or partners (registered pursuant to the Norwegian Marriage Act) accompanying someone with a concession ticket

Remember valid proof
You must be able to show that you are entitled to a discount if requested by staff or the ticket inspector. For passengers over the age of 67, any photo ID showing their age is considered valid.

Senior and concessionary tickets for passengers under the age of 67 are valid on presentation of a special ID card and photo ID:

  • people receiving a disability pension pursuant to the Norwegian National Insurance Act with a degree of disability of at least 50 per cent, and people receiving an equivalent disability pension from another EEA country must present their blue concessionary  card from NAV and photo ID.
  • Disabled refugees receiving supplementary benefit must present their blue concessionary card from NAV and photo ID.
  • Persons with blindness who do not receive a disability pension must present a special ID from the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted and photo ID.
  • Persons with deafblindess entitled to free travel for one companion must present a special ID card (green concessionary card) from the Norwegian National Resource Centre for the Deafblind and photo ID.

NAV issues concessionary discount cards to persons who are entitled to it. Blind people not in receipt of a disability pension and deafblind people receive a special ID card from the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted or from the National Resource Centre for the Deafblind.

If you have questions about conditions and issuance of concessionary cards, please contact NAV, the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted or the Norwegian National Resource Centre for the  Deafblind, directly.