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To find prices, use the ferry price calculator on autopassferje.no. Here you will find information about all ferry routes, and you can easily calculate prices depending on the type of vehicle and AutoPASS agreement you have  

Use the ferry price calculator

If the ferry route includes multiple segments, these will appear after you have selected the main route.

  1. Select the ferry route from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the type of vehicle you have. You can choose between:
    • Conventional: petrol, diesel, or hybrid vehicles.
    • Zero-emission: electric or hydrogen vehicles.
  3. Choose the date you plan to travel.
  4. Select the ticket price category:
    • Full price.
    • AutoPASS tag without a prepayment agreement.
    • AutoPASS for ferries prepayment agreement for private individuals.
    • AutoPASS for ferries prepayment agreement for businesses.
  5. Click on search to view the prices.

The price is determined by the length of your vehicle, including any load. Motorcycles and mopeds have separate prices.

Several ferry routes in Vestland are free of charge:

  • Krokeide–Hufthamar 
  • Hisarøy–Mjånes
  • Barmen–Barmsund
  • Klokkarvik–Lerøy–Bjelkarøy–Hjellestad
  • Daløy–Haldorsneset
  • Fjelberg–Sydnes–Utbjoa
  • Kinsarvik–Utne
  • Fedje–Sævrøy
  • Masfjordnes–Duesund
  • Rysjedalsvika–Rutledal–Krakhella
  • Husavik–Sandvikvåg
  • Kaupanger–Frønningen

Free on parts of routes

On some ferry routes with multiple stops, certain segments are free. This applies to:

  • Askvoll–Gjervik–Fure–Værlandet: Free for passengers travelling to and from Gjervik, and to and from Værlandet.
  • Jektevik–Nordhuglo–Hodnanes: Free for passengers travelling to and from Nordhuglo.
  • Måløy–Husevågøy–Oldeide: Free for passengers travelling to and from Husevågøy.
  • Gjermundshamn–Varaldsøy–Årsnes: Free for passengers travelling to and from Varaldsøy.

All ferries in Vestland operate under the AutoPASS regulations. You only pay for the vehicle and the driver, while passengers travel for free.

When you board the ferry, the vehicle’s registration number or AutoPASS tag is read. There are several ways to get a discount:

  • You automatically receive a 10% discount if you have an AutoPASS-approved toll tag in your vehicle. On autopassferje.no, you will find an overview of where to order a tag.
  • You get the best discount if you have a tag and an AutoPASS for ferries prepayment agreement. This agreement provides a 50% discount for private customers and a 40% discount for business customers. You can create the agreement on autopassferje.no.
  • If you have a zero-emission vehicle, you are also eligible for a discount. Zero-emission vehicles under 6 metres receive a 30% discount, while larger zero-emission vehicles receive a 50% discount.

If you do not have either an AutoPASS tag or a ferry agreement, you must pay the full price and will receive an invoice in the post, including a fee. On autopassferje.no, you will find all details about prices, discounts, and payment methods for ferry travel.

FerryPay – no discount, but easy payment

FerryPay is a simple payment solution without discounts and is suitable for those who do not have either an AutoPASS tag or an AutoPASS ferry agreement. When you board the ferry, the registration number of your vehicle is read and linked to your FerryPay agreement. Payment is made automatically with the credit or debit card registered in the agreement, and you avoid receiving an invoice with a fee in the post.You can find more information about this solution on ferrypay.no.

The prices, discount rules, and payment methods on ferries in Vestland comply with the AutoPASS regulations for ferry fares. These regulations apply to most ferries in Norway, and both rules and prices are usually updated annually at the start of the year.

On the Norwegian Public Roads Administration’s website, you can find the current AutoPASS regulations for ferry fares, as well as the current price lists for all types of vehicles.

Bringing vehicles on boat routes

On some boat routes in Vestland, you can bring vehicles.

Here, you can find information about prices, discounts, payment methods, and booking for these routes.