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You are considered an adult from the age of 18 up to and including 66 years. Adults pay the regular fare. If you do not belong to a category eligible for a discounted fare, you must pay the regular fare.

The child ticket applies to children aged 6 up to and including 17 years and costs approximately half the price of an adult ticket. Children under 6 years travel for free.

Children under 12 years cannot travel alone by boat and must be accompanied by someone over 16 years.

If there is any doubt about age, the boat crew and inspectors may require you to show valid identification.

Maximum price for children on long journeys
When children travel with an adult, the child ticket costs a maximum of 196 kroner regardless of the journey's length. 

  • To get the maximum price on the child ticket, the adult must have an adult ticket, and all tickets must be purchased at the same time.
  • The maximum price for a child ticket does not apply if the adult has a senior, student, or military ticket.
  • The maximum price applies to up to four children per adult.
  • Note: When purchasing a return ticket and paying the maximum price for the child ticket, the adult and children do not receive an additional return discount. 

Senior and concessionary tickets cost around half the full price for all tickets.

The senior discount applies to: 

  • people from the age of 67
  • people with a concessionary card from NAV
  • persons with blindness or deafblindness with a special ID card
  • spouses or partners (registered pursuant to the Norwegian Marriage Act) accompanying someone with a concession ticket

Remember valid proof
If requested by staff or the ticket inspector, you must be able to show that you are entitled to a discount. For passengers from the age of 67, any photo ID showing their age is considered valid.

Concession tickets for passengers under the age of 67 are valid on presentation of a special ID card and photo ID:

  • People receiving a disability pension pursuant to the National Insurance Act with a degree of disability of at least 50 per cent, and people receiving an equivalent disability pension from another EEA country must present their blue concessionary card from NAV and photo ID.
  • Disabled refugees receiving supplementary benefit must present their blue concessionary card from NAV and photo ID.
  • Blind people not in receipt of a disability pension must present a special ID from the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted.
  • Deafblind people entitled to free travel for one companion must present a special ID card (green concessionary card) from the National Resource Centre for the Deafblind and photo ID.

NAV is responsible for producing concessionary cards for people who are entitled to them. Blind people not in receipt of a disability pension and deafblind people receive a special ID card from the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted or from the National Resource Centre for the Deafblind.

For those aged 16 up to and including 20 years, we recommend the 30-day youth ticket for 395 NOK.
With a youth ticket, you can travel as much as you want by bus, light rail, boat, train, and ferry throughout Vestland County.

Read more about the youth ticket.

Students receive approximately 40 percent off all boat tickets.
The student discount applies to:

  • Full-time students/pupils at upper secondary school, vocational school, university college, university or other educational institutions that qualify for support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund. The scheme also covers Norwegian students abroad. The course must last at least three months, and in the case of higher education the course must earn at least 30 ECTS credits per semester. For upper secondary education, the course load must be equivalent to a full year of study. If you are a doctoral candidate, you will not receive a student discount.
  • Full-time apprentices and training candidates who meet the requirements in the Education Act, Chapter 4.
  • Adult non-native speakers who are receiving lessons in Norwegian and social studies, and refugees in the Introduction Programme.

Remember valid ID:
If the boat crew or inspector asks, you must be able to show that you are in education or training in the current semester. A valid ID must show your name, date of birth, place of study and that it is valid for the current semester.

The following forms of ID are valid:

  • student card/ID on your mobile phone confirming that you are a student this semester
  • documentation from your place of study confirming that you are attending this semester, together with a credit/debit card, driving licence, passport or other photo ID

Students who are studying abroad must have an ISIC card. (ANSA cards are not accepted.) International students must have ID and a letter of acceptance from their place of study.

Valid documentation for apprentices/training candidates:

  • personal ID card from the company marked “lærling” (apprentice) or “lærekandidat” (training candidate)
  • copy of their apprenticeship contract (digital or physical)
  • confirmation from the company that you are an apprentice/training candidate, including duration of the apprenticeship contract, name and date of birth

Student ID for the spring semester is valid until August, and student ID for the autumn semester is valid until the end of January. If you are about to finish your studies, the final date for using a season ticket is 31 August and 31 January.

If you are unable to show the ticket inspector valid proof that you are entitled to a student discount, you must pay the prevailing penalty charge.

More information about ticket inspections 

If you are a conscript in initial service, you can purchase a military ticket. For journeys over 15 kilometres, military personnel pay approximately half the regular fare for single and return tickets.

The military discount applies for the service period stated on the Ministry of Defence ID card (FD-ID). The FD-ID serves as proof. For travel orders, the call-up letter serves as proof. The military discount only applies to Norwegian citizens associated with the Norwegian armed forces.

Companions of persons with disabilities who have a companion card and a valid ticket travel for free on all our transport services. The companion does not need a separate ticket.

When purchasing tickets for ten or more people at once, you receive a 17 percent group discount on adult tickets.
In the Skyss Ticket app and the online store, the group discount is automatically calculated when purchasing the tickets.

Please note: 

  • You receive a group discount on adult single tickets. The discount cannot be combined with other discounts.
  • If the group includes passengers with child, student, senior, or military tickets, they will count towards the total. However, they do not receive a group discount in addition to their other discounts, such as the student discount.
  • Children under 6 years travel for free.

If space is available, you may bring bicycles, electric bikes, e-scooters, and scooters for free.

You may bring pets on board if there is space, and the pet does not disturb other passengers. Pets must be secured with a leash or kept in a carrier, sit on your lap, or remain on the floor, and they must not obstruct the passage. Animals that are aggressive or disturb other passengers may be removed.

If you are travelling with a pet and have a transfer to a train or express coaches, be aware that they have their own rules.

  • 192 Måløy-Silda
  • 193 Måløy-Gangsøy-Risøy
  • 290 Kystvegekspressen
  • 391 Hardbakke-Nåra-Mjømna
  • 392 Hardbakke-Kolgrov-Utvær
  • 393 Nord-Solund
  • 394 Gåsvær-Midtre Solund-Hardbakke
  • 395 Gulen-Ytre Solund
  • 1190 Vik-Ortnevik
  • 1190 Ortnevik-Måren-Nordeide
  • 2078 Austevoll local ferry
  • 2080 Sunnhordland-Austevoll-Bergen

If you are travelling on the Askøy boat, the Nordhordland boat, or on routes in the Flora Basin, the same rules as for buses apply. Here you will find information on the rules for buses, light rail, and boat routes with zone pricing.