SMS ticket
You can buy single tickets for Skyss buses in Vestland, Bergen light rail and some boat connections and receive the ticket as an SMS (text message) on your mobile phone.
SMS ticket applies to:
- Skyss buses
- Bergen Light Rail
- Askøybåten - boat services between Kleppestø and Strandkaiterminalen in Bergen
- Nordhordlandsbåten - boat services between Knarvik-Frekhaug and Strandkaiterminalen in Bergen
- Florabassenget (applies to passengers)
- Florø-Askrova-Stavang-Svanøy (Florabassenget south)
- Florø-Barekstad-Batalden-Fanøy-Rognaldsvåg-Kinn (Florabassenget north and west)
- Single ticket for zone A is valid for local trains between Bergen and Arna/Trengereid (Vossebanen og Arnalokalen).
This is how it works
The ticket is valid from the moment it is received and is valid for 60 minutes. SMS tickets are only valid on the phone on which they are purchased and are not valid if forwarded.
Some mobile contract subscriptions may have limitations on services that add charges to your bill. This for example, applies to certain subscriptions for children and foreign numbers, who therefore will be unable to buy SMS tickets.
How to buy an SMS ticket valid in one zone:
Send an SMS to telephone number 2412 with the code word for the ticket you want:
- Vaksen (adult)
- Honnør (senior)
- Barn (child)
Make sure to only write the norwegian word.
The ticket is valid instantly, from the moment you receive it and lasts 90 minutes. The ticket will state how long it is valid for. You may use either lowercase or uppercase letters to write the code word.
Please note: Some are experiencing issues sending text messages to the phone number 2412. If this applies to you, add +47 and send a text message to +472412. Efforts are being made to fix the issue.
How to buy a ticket for several zones:
Travel in 2 zones | Travel in 3 zones | Travel in 4 zones |
Valid for 90 minutes Send: |
Valid for 120 minutes Send: |
Valid for 150 minutes Send: |
Vaksen2S |
Vaksen3S |
Vaksen4S |
Barn2S |
Barn3S |
Barn4S |
Honnør2S |
Honnør3S |
Honnør4S |
Send the code word to telephone number 2412, and you will receive the ticket as an SMS. The code word for purchasing tickets valid in several zones must be typed without space. If the code sent is incorrect, you will receive an error message.
Read more about ticket prices here