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We provide information about minor delays in bus traffic through real-time updates on various platforms. If the bus is running late, the departure time will adjust according to the expected departure time. For major traffic incidents and changes in service, you will also find notifications in the travel planner and on skyss.no/avvik, as well as in the Skyss Reise app. We also provide information at bus stops with signs and screens during major disruptions. The same is true for the view departures solution.

This is how messages about service disruptions work on our various channels:


The list of incidents and changes is sorted chronologically, with the most recent event at the top of the 'active service messages' list. Additionally, you can scroll further down to see recently expired messages that are no longer applicable. By clicking on a headline, you will find detailed information, often including a map that explains the disruption.

The travel planner

The travel planner provides you with information in several ways if delays or changes affect your trip.

In the Skyss Reise app, there are four different ways to find departure times (favorites, travel planner, stops, line). Two of these functions are also available in the journey planner on the website (travel planner and stops).

Additionally, in the travel planner, you can see delays through the real-time feature and canceled departures.

The stop function

In the stop function you will see a time table. If a departure is cancelled, it will look like this in the app Skyss Reise and in the travel planner on the website:

The Travel planner:

Information in the travel planner

If you click on the yellow line you will find more information about larger service disruptions or changes. It works like this on the website and in the app. 

The travel planner:



Real-time information

You can find information about real-time information here.